Senior Wing

 Students of senior classes are in the crucial years where their dreams need to be turned into reality. Students prepare themselves to expand their horizon to learn more & apply the learning in everyday life. Students are provided with ample opportunities to learn & play. For XI – XII, the curriculum prescribed by CBSE is followed. The students are offered 3 streams – Science, Commerce and Humanities.

Unfathomable minds, like vessels in the vast seas, set out onto their voyage, unfamiliar with the ways. The angelic beacon light steers them through until they discover a new shore. This is where ‘pedagogy’ comes into play. To put it simply, the art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. Teachers do not discover, they ‘assist’ discovery. Teachers, like beacon lights, use different pedagogies to steer different learning outcomes from different set of students at different points of time.

The prime focus at the senior level is to bring forth innovation in teaching-learning methodologies by devising student friendly and student centered paradigms, thus lending a ‘real time fun filled impactful experience’. He curriculum aims at creating ‘spherical-global’ learners. Coherence and relevance of the curriculum, horizontal and vertical progression, inter disciplinary approach, group discussion sessions augmenting into healthy argument, democratic and participative ethos amongst pupils. We use technology as the wings of education and enable students to do a lot of research work. Our pedagogies serve as a bridge between the curriculum and the outer world. Our use of Multiple Intelligence Theory forms the basis of the methodological practices thus fostering higher- order thinking amongst pupils and imparting various life skills to the students.
